· By Soundings of the Planet
Dean & Dudley Evenson Discuss New Album Seeds of Peace
We are happy to release our 66th episode of our Soundings Mindful Media Podcast. In this episode, Dean & Dudley Evenson are interviewed by Kyle Norris from NPR. They discuss their new album Seeds of Peace and how it came to be. It’s a remarkable story that starts back in 1987, when Dean Evenson and Volodymyr Solianyk first met and started performing music together during a Citizen Diplomacy tour in the former Soviet Union. We hope you enjoy this fun and insightful interview. Your browser does not support the audio element.

· By Soundings of the Planet
10 Ways to Make a Difference this Earth Day
When we first moved to the Pacific Northwest, we became aware of the issue of forest clear cutting. We did a lot of research to understand how to stop this terrible practice and learned much about the value and function of a temperate rain forest. In the process we discovered many things that people can do to help save our forests and mitigate climate change. We shared a lot of those ideas when Dean Evenson created the album Forest Rain.DID YOU KNOW….?• That less than 5% of our nation’s virgin forests remain?!• 40% of our forestland is clear cut for...

· By Soundings of the Planet
Journey Within on a Forest Path to Grandmother Tree
From our very first release over 40 years ago, we have shared our music as a message for peace. Equally important is our goal to create awareness about our precious planet. In preparation for our upcoming album Earth Within, Dean Evenson gathered field recordings from the various environments reflected in each song. The first three singles take you on an inspiring Journey Within following a meandering Forest Path to arrive at the ancient Grandmother Tree. Dean is joined by his longtime friend and co-producer Phil Heaven. Their silver flute and resonant viola melodies soar above the tall trees and are...

· By admin
EARTH WITHIN Calming Nature Music
Soundings of the Planet invites you to take an inner journey with the calming sounds of our latest album Earth Within on September 9th, 2022. In this 11-song album, gentle melodies of flute, viola, and double bass are interwoven with nature field recordings to create a deep mood of quiet comfort. This album takes listeners on a rich inner journey to a quiet refuge, a world beyond time. Earth Within is available on all streaming platforms as well as in physical and digital format on Amazon.com. Since co-founding Soundings of the Planet in 1979 as a voice for the planet and for peace, Dean Evenson has proven...

· By Soundings of the Planet
Every Day is Earth Day

· By Soundings of the Planet
Dudley Evenson Mindful Living Book Club
Start the year out right! I’m Dudley Evenson and I’m inviting you to tune into my Mindful Living Book Club based on my book A YEAR OF GUIDED MEDITATIONS: 52 Weekly Affirmations. For a whole year, a bunch of us met monthly on Zoom focusing on the principles addressed in the book that have allowed Dean Evenson and myself to live the life of our dreams for over half a century. My intention in writing the book is to support you in living the life of your dreams as well. We are now sharing the videos from our meetups so...
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