Forest Rain - a musical journey into the heart of old growth forests
The natural sounds of Forest Rain trace a journey following the rivers and streams up the mountain to the very heart of the old growth forest. Lush music reflects the depth and multi-layered richness of the ancient grove. Towering, moss draped cedars are home to a multitude of species.
Trees of many ages live in a communion of natural systems, creating a context for the intricate web of life to play out its magic dance. The music flows to a place on the river where the salmon have come all the way from the sea to spawn in the very place they were born. Here, eagles come by the hundreds to feed as the salmon lay down their lives for the next generation, thus completing their life cycle.
Dean Evenson’s love for nature is embodied in his musical work which blends natural sounds with his free-form compositions. His vision is “to create peaceful, joyous environments for people on this planet to live in …bringing nature, music, and humanity together in harmony.”
Soundings in the Movies - The track “Future Stock” from Forest Rain was used by Walt Disney Pictures for the trailer of the theatrical release of “The Jungle Book”. “Deep Forest”, also from Forest Rain, was used by Miramax Films in the movie “Kate and Leopold”. The scene in which it can be heard has Meg Ryan doing yoga.
New Bonus Materials! - Forest Rain now comes as an enhanced CD with a relaxing music video and an informative and entertaining Eco-forestry video for viewing on your computer. Just Released! The Tree by Dana Lyons DL-1010 Our long-time friend and eco-troubadour has taken one of his songs and turned it into a beautifully illustrated and inspiring book for children of all ages. A perfect gift for all who care about the planet.
- Thunder Intro 0:27
- Thunder Streams 6:20
- Clearing In The Air 5:20
- To Tree Or Not To Tree 5:22
- Deep Forest 10:18
- Mossing Around 3:00
- Heart Of The Forest 6:28
- Future Stock 4:20
- Branching Out 3:27
- Joy, Rain, Tree 2:49
- Eagle, Salmon, Swirl 4:33
- Leaf Well Enough Alone 5:02
- Prayer For the Ancient Trees