Native Healing: authentic Native American healing music & chants
Native Healing is an expression of the life work of Cha-das-ska-dum Which-ta-lum, a spiritual elder of the Lummi Indian Nation. These authentic Native American healing chants, along with flute and drum, emerge from the depths of the Earth carrying the mystery and magic of tribal people.
Sounding Healing pioneer Dean Evenson joins with Cha-das-ska-dum, to create a powerful musical expression in the spirit of healing. Scott Huckabay and Swil Kanim draw from their own Native American roots to weave their music into this tapestry, adding guitar and violin. Marguerite and April Which-ta-lum, wife and daughter of Cha-das-ska-dum, enhance his vocals with their beautiful harmonies and Native American flute. Native Healing is the story of a people coming home to their tribal roots, to their spiritual traditions. For Cha-das-ska-dum, it began many years ago when he was initiated into the ‘Seown,’ the spiritual winter dance of the Coast Salish people during which he had a powerful healing experience.
As happened with so many Native American Indian children, both Cha-das-ska-dum’s own daughter, April, as well as Swil Kanim, were taken from their families and adopted out of their tribes to be raised by a non-Indian society. Even Scott Huckabay whose mother was Apache/Chiricahua was raised with little connection to his Native American roots. Now all have been drawn back to the native path.
Includes Earth Resonance Frequency (ERF) for deeper relaxation
- Oklahoma Cry Song 7:05
- Coming Home 7:07
- Dudley’s Song 8:01
- Lost Tracks 9:30
- Cheyenne’s Song 5:51
- Cedar Flute Love Song 3:47
- The Earth Is Calling Our Name 7:49
- Spirit Wind 3:57
- Whispering Ancestors 8:25
TOTAL TIME: 62 minutes