Dudley Evenson
Dudley Evenson co-founded Soundings of the Planet in 1979 with her husband Dean Evenson. Together, they have produced over 80 albums and videos. She has been the Executive Producer, art director and copy writer for all of the Soundings releases in addition to performing her harp and doing guided meditations on many albums. Dudley is a certified professional life coach and has trained with Impact Coaching Academy. She is an AARP Life Reimagined Guide and leads Life Reimagined Checkups. She writes the Healthy Living Dreams blog on the Soundings home page.

Dudley works with video, photography, graphics, writing, music and dance. She plays harp and zither with intuition and feeling and uses her voice as a complementary instrument. She also does guided affirmations and visualizations albums and has shared her music and guided meditations presenting live before such luminaries as Deepak Chopra, Joan Borysenko, Larry Dossey, Don Miguel Ruiz and others.
She has produced numerous concerts, tours, and events, including the Festival of the Creative Spirit, an insightful eight-day gathering in Tucson, which brought together many art forms, ritual, and ceremony. She coordinated the Soundings of the Planet planetarium series, utilizing the special effects and laser imagery of the sky dome, along with music, dance, slides and poetic readings.
In 2018, Dudley released the book Quieting the Monkey Mind, co-authored with husband Dean Evenson. Drawing from over four decades of creating music for meditation and yoga, Quieting the Monkey Mind is filled with practical tips, exercises, photos, and illustrations to support readers on an empowering journey of finding inner peace in our often chaotic world. The Evensons believe readers will find useful tools and techniques that allow access to deeper levels of inner stillness leading to a more rewarding sense of self and personal empowerment.
In 2017, Dudley co-authored the book The Big Secret with Jack Canfield. Together with other successful entrepreneurs and professionals, Dudley and Jack share secrets for how one can achieve the health, wealth, and lifestyle one desires. Dudley’s chapter is entitled “The Harmonious Sounds of Success: A Story of Peace Through Music.” Dudley says, ”It was fun to share some of Dean Evenson’s and my adventures and learning experiences on our way to successfully living our dreams. Jack Canfield offers his own perspectives in how to attain success in life and the other authors have great stories too.”
In response to the often asked question “What is the benefit of meditation and music?”, Dudley Evenson shares, “What we endeavored to accomplish with Quieting The Monkey Mind, is to help make meditation understandable, accessible and simple to do. At its core, meditation is an inner training of our mental processes to attain a calm state of centered balance, awareness and spiritual expansiveness. It is a powerful and beneficial tool that can assist you in all aspects of your life. Silence and music are not only calming but deeply healing.”
Dudley is also an environmental activist in her community and has spearheaded the Interurban Neighbors group for which she and Dean produced several videos, newsletters and community events aimed at saving a local urban forest and its wetlands from development. This ‘100 Acre Wood’ was officially ‘saved’ in 2013 after 23 years of community work. She is currently working on a creative water fountain project in Bellingham called Whatcom Water Stations to supply clean drinking water for free.

Dudley and Dean have been together since 1968 and have three children: Cristen, Sarah and Elijah and one granddaughter Cybele.