Seeds of Peace: Ukrainian piano virtuoso transcends culture & genre
This stunningly beautiful collaboration between sound healing pioneer Dean Evenson and Ukrainian jazz virtuoso Volodymyr Solianyk transcends culture and genre. Their heartfelt music of flute and piano transports the listener to a place of peace beyond time and space. These tracks represent Soundings of the Planet’s vision of Peace Through Music in its highest form.
In 1987, with the Cold War still raging, Dean Evenson met Volodymyr Solianyk when he visited Ukraine and Russia as part of a Citizen Diplomacy tour he helped organize. There they collaborated on the album Music Makes the Snow Melt Down featuring Soundings of the Planet & Soviet musicians. Years later, Volodymyr visited Dean in the US and together they recorded these beautiful piano and flute pieces. Now is the perfect time to release this music to a world in great need of peace.
Contains Earth Resonance Frequency for deeper relaxation and a heightened state of peacefulness.