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Dean and Dudley Evenson Win Triple COVR Visionary Awards
Dean and Dudley Evenson are the recipients of three Visionary Awards by the Coalition of Visionary Resources at the INATS Trade Show in Denver. Since its founding in 1979, Soundings of the Planet has been honored by their industry with numerous Visionary Awards for their popular healing and world music. REIKI OM won Best Innerspace/Meditational/Healing Music as well as the coveted MUSIC OF THE YEAR. Dean and Dudley collaborated with prodigy Henry Han who plays the 21 string Chinese zither called the guzheng which gives the album its Asian feeling. In addition to the flute, harp, Tibetan bowls and tamboura...

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Try this Relaxation affirmation
Try saying this affirmation to yourself every day for a week and see what happens: I am relaxed even during times of stress. Research has shown that being relaxed can help one heal. Disease means lack of ease so with that in mind, returning to our natural state of balance should be a goal of a healthy lifestyle. In an exercise of alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles, we learn what it feels like to be relaxed by experiencing its contrasting state of tension. When people are uptight and tense, they often create blockages within the body system which...

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Perfection in spite of appearances
PERFECTION I honor the perfection of the Universe Try saying this affirmation aloud to yourself once a day for a week and see what happens! You may not believe it at first, but the miracle is that when you trust in the universe, you will be pleasantly surprised with the results. I live in a perfect universe. Everything in my life works perfectly. I am in harmony with my world. I peacefully accept what happens to me and release what I don't need. I focus on creating the kind of life I want and draw that energy toward me....