A primordial clear light mind
Is something that we all have within us.
It is not something external to us.
It is on this basis that we can attain enlightenment
When we can see, straightforwardly and non-conceptually,
the nature of our clear light mind
and remain totally absorbed on this nature
without ever regressing from it, we have become a Buddha
-The Gelug/Lagyu tradition of Mahamudra
What is this Pure Light Mind that the scripture above speaks of? Is this something attainable by us mortals or only available to the realm of the Buddha and the Christ? Modern scientists recognize that our DNA emits light in the form of photons. So even on the physical level, it is understood that we are made up of light. Fortunately, many people across the ages have been able to access this aspect of their divine mind though their steadfast practice of meditation. So, although it may take some time and of course personal discipline, there are tools that can help us in our own quest. The goal of our meditation should be to move us closer to seeing clearly the nature of our mind which is ultimately pure light. Through meditation, we can hope to remove the impediments to this light by letting go of that which causes our suffering - clouds of worry, fear, anger, hatred, envy, craving and self-doubt. As we let go of these negative emotions, we make way for a more compassionate, joyful and expansive state of being. Through a regular meditation practice, we can expect to reach a state of inner peace and move that much closer to the realization our divine self.
Do you have trouble clearing your mind of worrisome or busy thoughts? Fortunately music has been found to help the process.